5 First Aid Facts You Probably Didn't Know: Focusing on Bleeding Contr — Tytek Group Skip to content
5 First Aid Facts You Probably Didn't Know: Focusing on Bleeding Control

5 First Aid Facts You Probably Didn't Know: Focusing on Bleeding Control

First aid knowledge, in particular bleeding control, is a valuable skill that can make a significant difference in emergencies. While many are familiar with the basics of CPR, bleeding control is often an overlooked yet crucial aspect of first aid. In this blog, we'll delve into the lesser-known facts about bleeding control—essential information that could prove vital in saving lives.

5 First Aid Facts You Probably Didn't Know: Focusing on Bleeding Control

Defining the Importance of Bleeding Control:

Bleeding is a common consequence of injuries, and without prompt intervention, it can lead to severe consequences. Uncontrolled bleeding can result in shock, organ failure, and fatality. The primary goal of bleeding control is to minimize blood loss and provide the injured person with the best chance of survival. Equipping yourself with the right knowledge can turn you into a first responder during critical situations and save vital lives.

5 Facts about Bleeding Control you should know:

Nearly 7 in 10 (69%) people lack the knowledge and confidence to act if someone was bleeding heavily

This alarming figure highlights the critical gap in first aid preparedness within our communities. A significant portion of the population may feel ill-equipped to respond effectively in emergency situations involving severe bleeding. The consequences of such hesitation or lack of confidence can be dire, as timely and appropriate action is paramount in preventing excessive blood loss and its potentially life-threatening consequences.

It emphasizes the urgent need for widespread first aid education to empower individuals with the skills and confidence necessary to be effective first responders, turning bystanders into crucial links in the chain of survival. Take a look at our education hub to learn more about becoming medically prepared.

Direct Pressure & Elevation are KEY for bleeding control 

The most effective way to control external bleeding is by applying direct pressure to the wound. Use a clean cloth or sterile dressing and press down firmly to staunch the blood flow.

Furthermore, knowing the location of pressure points can help control bleeding in certain areas of the body.

In addition, elevating an injured limb above the level of the heart can help reduce blood flow to the wound. This simple technique can be particularly useful for extremity injuries.

Tourniquets have a time and place

Tourniquets have a time and place

Contrary to common belief, tourniquets are not always the go-to solution. They should be used as a last resort for life-threatening bleeding that cannot be controlled by direct pressure. Take a look here for a guide on how to use tourniquets when controlling a bleed.

Excessive bleeding can lead to shock 

Excessive bleeding not only poses a physical threat but can also lead to shock, intensifying the emergency. Watch for key indicators like pale skin, rapid breathing, and a weak pulse, signaling the onset of shock. Responding promptly to these signs is crucial. Alongside direct bleeding control measures, administer first aid for shock by laying the person down, elevating their legs slightly, and maintaining body temperature with a blanket. This dual approach maximizes the chances of a positive outcome in critical situations.

Different wounds require different types of dressings 

Understanding the appropriate dressing for a specific injury ensures effective bleeding control. Always keep a variety of dressings in your first aid kit, such as different sizes of bandages and gauze. For example, you can use:

In the realm of first aid, mastering bleeding control is an indispensable skill.

By understanding these lesser-known facts you can play a crucial role in mitigating the impact of injuries and potentially saving lives, as you never know when you may witness a medical emergency. Stay educated, be equipped and be prepared, so that you can be the help that someone desperately needs in a critical moment.

If you would like to learn more about becoming medically prepared, or stock some of our medical supplies in your inventory, please get in touch with our fantastic team as well as following us on our social media to stay up to date.

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