How to be Medically Prepared as a Business: Focusing on Bleeding Control — Tytek Group Skip to content
How to be Medically Prepared as a Business: Focusing on Bleeding Control

How to be Medically Prepared as a Business: Focusing on Bleeding Control

In today's fast-paced world, businesses must be prepared for unexpected emergencies, including medical situations. One critical aspect of preparedness is knowing how to handle bleeding incidents effectively. Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere, and having the right knowledge and resources to address them can make a significant difference in saving lives. In this blog, we will explore how businesses can be medically prepared, with a primary focus on bleeding control, to ensure the safety and well-being of their employees and customers.


Understanding the Importance of Bleeding Control


Uncontrolled bleeding is a leading cause of pre-hospital fatalities that very much can be preventable. According to the National Trauma Institute, excessive bleeding accounts for over 30% of all trauma-related fatalities in the USA. The first few minutes following an injury are crucial, and having the ability to control bleeding promptly can be life-saving. As a business, being medically prepared to respond to such emergencies demonstrates a commitment to the welfare of everyone involved.

No matter what size your business is, you have a duty of care to ensure the safety of not only your employees, but your customers and everybody who walks in. Not only this, but every type of business needs to consider what they have available for bleeding control. Entertainment venues, subways and transport, offices, schools and many more all have one thing in common: large gatherings of people. This can make it more difficult for first responders to reach the victim in need, due to getting through the mass. Therefore, it’s absolutely crucial to have bleeding control supplies within reach, such as mounted onto a wall, so if you are witness to a medical emergency, you can grab medical supplies with ease.

Let’s take a look at some steps to take to become medically prepared as a business:


Conduct a Risk Assessment:

Start by evaluating the specific risks and hazards that are relevant to your business. Identify areas with a higher likelihood of accidents, such as warehouses, manufacturing floors, or outdoor spaces. Based on this assessment, create a tailored bleeding control plan to address potential scenarios effectively.

Train Employees in Basic First Aid:

Equip your employees with basic first aid training that includes bleeding control techniques. American Red Cross and American Heart Association offer courses covering First Aid, CPR, and AED that could be valuable for your team. Trained employees can provide immediate assistance until professional help arrives, minimizing the impact of an incident.

Contents of bleeding control pouch

Assemble Bleeding Control Kits:

Stocking bleeding control kits in strategic locations within your business premises is vital. These kits should include items such as sterile gauze, adhesive bandages, tourniquets, medical gloves, and trauma dressings. Ensure that the kits are easily accessible and regularly checked to maintain their integrity. At TyTek, we provide bleeding control pouches that can be attached to your belt for ease of use, as well as our bleeding control stations.

The stations in particular are perfect for most businesses that host a large gathering of people, whether you’re indoor or outdoor. Each wall mounted Bleeding Control Station contains eight Bleeding Control Kits, which are perforated to ensure that they can be detached and opened quickly and easily. Take a look at what each kit contains here and see one of our installations at University of Cincinnati Hospital:

TyTek Medical bleed control stations at one of the University of Cincinnati Hospital sites

Train on Tourniquet Use:

Tourniquets are an essential tool for controlling severe bleeding from extremities. However, their proper application is crucial, as incorrect use can lead to complications. Invest in training sessions specifically focused on tourniquet use to ensure that your staff knows how and when to apply them safely and effectively.

Collaborate with Local Emergency Services:

Establish connections with local emergency services, including fire departments, paramedics, and police. They can provide valuable guidance and support in setting up bleeding control programs and offer insight into local emergency response procedures.


Develop an Emergency Response Plan:

Incorporate bleeding control procedures into your existing emergency response plan. Ensure that all employees are aware of this plan and conduct regular drills to practice response protocols. Familiarity with these procedures will help reduce panic and enhance the overall efficiency of your team during a critical incident.


Bleeding control workshop with TyTek Medical


Attend Bleeding Control Workshops:

Education is absolutely key to preparedness. Attend seminars or workshops on bleeding control with your employees and encourage their participation. We hosted one of our own bleeding control workshops over in the UK which you can watch here.


Maintain and Review Preparedness Efforts:

Preparedness is an ongoing process. Regularly review your bleeding control program to identify areas for improvement and update training protocols based on new guidelines. Stay informed about advancements in bleeding control techniques to ensure that your business remains at the forefront of medical preparedness.


Get medically prepared with TyTek!

Being medically prepared as a business is not just a legal obligation; it is a moral responsibility towards your employees, customers, and the community. By focusing on bleeding control, you can make a significant impact on the outcome of an emergency. Prioritize employee training, maintain bleeding control kits, and establish strong connections with local emergency services. With these measures in place, your business will be better equipped to handle medical emergencies and protect lives when it matters the most. Remember, educate, equip and empower all to save lives.

If you’re interested in finding out more about our products or installing bleeding control stations in your business then please get in touch today.

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